Bird ID 202535
Price $700.00
Total Available
  • 8 Unsexed
Age Hatched
Posted 5/12/2023
Hatched 1/11/2025
Ready 3/1/2025

2025 baby bird season has started we have babies hatched and new babies hatching out. All colors avail. Price is based on color. Dna seeing is avail. All parents have been tested for diseases. We also do pbfd testing on all babies sold. We run a closed facility and all our birds are kept indoors so no risk of avain flu. DNA sexing is available. Prices at 700. Please call me for additional information. We pride our selves in great communication We have a private owners group avail to our bird buyers. We have been in buisness for over 50 years. We do screen where our babies go. We do not want yiu to get a bird that will not fit in needs. We specialize in handfed babies.

we have a choice depending on where you live what is the best flight . Most babies are shipped in 100 crates .. so shipping can run 179.00 up to 210.00 if it is a larger bird it may need a bigger crate thus shipping is additonal


coupeville, WA