Breeder Exotic Pet Birds Inc NY, US
Bird ID 215523
Price $3,000.00
Shipping $350.00
Total Available
  • 1 Male
Age Hatched
Posted 1/24/2025

Say hello to Sparky, our Meyers Parrot! They come from having gone to visit the veterinarian prior to going to their new home. We provide DNA and a Hatch certificate for this adorable bird. Socialization starts at 4 weeks of age and we have our birds live with us until they have begun the socialization process. Sparky absolutely loves toys, so we really are hoping to find someone for her to fill his cage with all his favorite activities! Please call us at 585-671-2473 if you think you could be the perfect home!

For larger bird must be picked up at the airport.

Exotic Pet Birds Inc

Webster, NY