This sweet harlequin macaw that's been hand raised is ready for her forever home. Her coloring is beautiful and a little different from her brothers. All the color markings are the same except she has a little more orange look to her check then her brothers. She loves to have her head scratched, petted and just loved on. Shes used to having me kiss her beak and face, while training her I wanted her to be good around peoples faces. Working with her to give kisses as well. Enjoys being on your shoulder while you walk around or even go outside that she loves. Very good with new adventures. She'll hang out on her tree stand and when she wants your attention she'll get down on the floor to find you. Once she finds you shes ready for playing or loving. Loves interaction with you. Such a love bug, I can hug her in my arms and she will almost go to sleep. She's trying to learn to talk now. This bird has been DNA'd to being a female.
Shipping with Delta is only for large birds.