Breeder Missy's Birds CA, US
530 844-2165
Bird ID 196288
Price $400.00 Each
Total Available
  • 10 Unsexed
  • 5 Male
  • 5 Female
Age Hatched
Posted 7/16/2022

Hi I have the following ; American Dilutes/ M or F...can guess....x3..... believe 2 are Males for sure..... Yellow Sided Turquoise.... 1 Female and 1 Male Yellow Sided Dilutes ( 2 ) .... Believe 2 are Males for sure or buyer can pay for the DNA....I can't DNA everyone right now...too many and I know the sex on many by genetics... Normals....there are 4....M or F......they have definitely inherited a great personality from their Father...I hand raised the dad Normal Baby is huge.....I believe all are Male except the big one F?? Yellow Sided ...there is 2 left....1 is split Dilute...and if Male split YS/ Cinnamon as well...... Pineapple Turquoise Females...there are 2 left...... They are eating quality seeds... Tropimix.... egg food...tons of veggies and some fruit ..mostly berries.. They get some of my bird Mush as well....will get recipe with your papers... website has recipe but I have a revised recipe paper handout....I do sprout......they also will get avi cakes fruit type for flight training.....even the youngest ones are already into the veggies! Hand fed...hand raised.. properly specialized GCC cute! Website has the Avian Sales Agreement that would be sent in with a 25 percent deposit to hold the baby of your choice......comes off the total price at pick up....lots of other good info on the site as well.....17 years experience with GCC and 52 years experience with birds.....40 years of Cockatiel experience...... Serious only please...... Good homes only.....I keep them flighted...birds need to fly....prefer you are a flighted home for the health and happiness of the birds .... Email for faster response.....text ok but not before 9 a.m and not after 6 p.m preferred..... evenings are very hectic with the cleaning end of dishes....feedings etc.... Ready range from about 6/5 into first of July... depending on the bird... DO NOT ASK ME for unweaned babies! It's a NO...... Parents have all been disease tested along with all my own birds..... DNA can be done at buyers expense for 45.00 per bird...non refundable you will get a DNA certificate..... 525 for most.....450.00 for some... depends on Color... Thanks for looking at my babies...... Missy .

Missy's Birds

Yuba City, CA