Handfed, tame and properly socialized baby birds from a Licensed home based facility. 20 years of hand feeding experience. Given quality seed, eggfood and pellets daily. My birds also receive Missys Bird Mush, veggies, fruits and sprouts. A lifetime of birds and bird interests. Visit us @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Missysbirdscom/226887770805320 .
Mary Dildine
Susan Porter
Orinda, California Hi, I just picked up an 11 week old Turquoise Green Cheek Conure from Missy. I have 30 years experience owning GCC and I am just blown away by the exquisite quality of my new little boy-- Beautiful, eating healthy veggies and a flyer.
6/20/2022 2:01:24 AM
Breeder Reply:
Thanks Susan he is such a special bird... Thank you for everything!
Debra Padilla
Trinidad, CO I am looking for a female conure my name is Debra padilla 719 551 1924 please call me.
3/1/2021 3:57:17 AM
Alina Bechert
Yucca Valley, California I need to get some 1 more baby bird to hand feed them
10/17/2020 10:00:21 AM