Breeder Missy's Birds CA, US
530 844-2165
Bird ID 206228
Price $275.00 Each
Total Available
  • 5 Unsexed
  • 3 Male
  • 1 Female
Age Hatched
Posted 12/15/2023

Hi Hand Fed and ready..... Cinnamon White Face x1 /Male.... starting to sing.... Another 2 WFC not sure of sex .....have Cinnamon Pastel Face ......1 White Face Lutino...... Normal White Face x2 Normal Pastel Face x 1 White Face Pearl from late Spring hatch..... No Lutino s left..... Cinnamon White Face x4 Cinnamon Pastel Face x1 ...if your interested you must send the 25 percent deposit to hold until ready...unless ready to be picked up ..if it's going to be over a week before you are able then the deposit is required....... Avian Sales Agreement is at information and documents... Must be in contact with me for information before any deposits can be taken... 50 years of Cockatiel experience....30 of those with hand feeding of Tiels.... My Tiels are fed quality seeds....some Tropimix....lots of veggies including my Bird Mush recipe.....I also sprout for them and they get the fresh foods daily with some greens 3 times a week...spray millet is a must for the change of homes .... Tiels do not prefer change so much....they will need millet all times during the transition can give older birds millet too but it won't be so critical as when young and first few weeks of a new home.... I do not clip! Birds should fly for health and mental health....I would hope you do the same..... Wait list started now ..will take in order received.... You must email me at for this...if no response text....make sure it's not before 9 a.m and prefer not after 5 p.m....evenings are dedicated to the cleaning up ..dishes to clean...feeding etc.... Serious homes and good homes only... DO NOT ASK for UNWEANED's a huge NO for me....... experience or not! Properly fed...well socialized birds..... Must be kept in same diet... no exceptions..... Website has lots of information...the mush recipe has been revised from there...can email new will get all that along with your papers as well.... Keep 2 weeks after weaning! Do not ask for any less .... All my parents have been disease tested along with my birds....... Thanks much ..will update as needed....... Will text new pics as per request...... DNA if needed desired etc is at the buyers cost .. 45.00 per bird.....non refundable...will get DNA certificate.... Thanks Missy ...

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Missy's Birds

Yuba City, CA